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Webinar: Do you really know your audience? Best practice for creating user personas

User Experience Consultant

Understanding your target audience is the first step to any marketing strategy, but do you actually know how to identify what your audiences look like? According to The Marketo Engagement Gap report, 56% of consumers don’t think businesses understand their needs.


Furthermore, 51% of consumers believe brands send too much irrelevant content, this means it’s crucial to identify the configuration of your target audience as it ensures your marketing outputs and items you sell will continually resonate and engage with the people who really matter to the success of your business. As a result, this can boost leads, sales and increase brand loyalty as well as allow your brand to generate strong, long-term relationships between your audience and business.


Having a clear and definitive understanding of your ideal customer audience and what they want and need is a sure-fire way to improve your brand (and your bottom line).


The webinar

The session is a masterclass in how to properly identify your company’s target audience, ensuring maximum brand awareness and profitability for your marketing strategy.

Our hosts will walk you through industry-leading skills and tools that will help you access and engage the customers you want to reach. They’ll tell you how to:

  • Properly identify your company’s target audience
  • Gather information on your audience
  • Define persona structures
  • Ensure maximum brand awareness and profitability for your marketing strategy
  • Use industry-leading skills and tools to access and engage customers
  • Use personas and keep them current


The hosts

Chris Green
Head of Marketing Innovation at Footprint Digital, Chris Green has worked in Digital Marketing & Search marketing for the last decade. Chris’s core focuses have been Technical SEO, Web Analytics, Paid Search, and Digital Strategy.


Sarah Edwards
Owner and creative director for Make it Clear, Sarah Edwards has over seventeen years experience working with household names such as Virgin Media, Google, Barclays and The Duchess of Cambridge. From the launch of technology to the masses at the turn of the millennium, Sarah has been an ever-present within the design and marketing community creating class-leading digital interfaces for the screen since 2003.


Watch the full session here

Please see the link here.


Have a call

We’d love to talk to you about how Make it Clear can support your organisation. Book a call here.


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